This is a precautionary measure to protect visitors and staff who have contact with several hundred people every day.We did not take this decision lightly.But the unclear situation, which changes daily, has moved us to take this step.

As one of the largest salt producers, Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG has the responsibility to ensure the ability to deliver.This also means minimising any risk of infection.In addition, this measure is intended to actively contribute to preventing the spread of the virus and to contribute to a responsible approach towards society and towards the employees.

We will automatically refund any online tickets already booked for the tour of the Salt Mine or the Old Salt Works.This also applies to booked events.If you have any questions regarding the processing, please contact us by telephone at 08652/6002-0 or by e-mail to can find current information on and as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

Based on the ongoing Corona virus risk assessment, a decision will be made as to when is the right time to reopen.We provide information about this via our homepage and the other common media.We are already looking forward to welcoming you again as our guests.


Press article

This text can be used for press publications.All rights remain with „Salzbergwerk Berchtesgaden, Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG“.